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from a dream to reality


So growing up my mom had a cleaning lady come weekly to our home to spruce things up. She arrived around 8am and left around 4pm. I found it odd that my mom would spend time before and after the cleaning lady arrived, umm, cleaning the house. Every now and again something would break and mom would tell her not to worry about it and then spend the rest of the weekend lamenting her broken lamp. (which I thought was hideous :-) )


One day the cleaning lady retired and mom decided to go with a cleaning company that she saw all over the internet. Although they weren't there from 8am to 4pm, I still saw mom cleaning before and after they arrived. Perhaps we were spoiled to see the same happy face come clean for all of those years, or perhaps it was weird to see a different crew arrive each time the house was cleaned. 


There had to be a better way.....


So after trips to the moon and planets super far away, Scrubb Cleaning was born! 


Our concept is simple.

A team of four cleaning ninjas arrive at your home or business. Although they wear uniformed shirts with an awesome logo, they do not arrive dressed as ninjas. All four have dedicated tasks that they focus on while there. One attacks the kitchen while another takes on the vacuuming. Then the third tackles the bathrooms and the fourth takes care of dusting from baseboard to ceiling fans. Once your home is on our regular cleaning rotation, we are typically in and out within an hour. The key is to be quick, not to scrimp on the details. We use bagless vacuums to make sure we really get those dust bunnies. Microfiber towels that are washed and sanitized daily are used to leave a lint free Scrubb to your place. Your countertops are not only cleaned, but polished every single time we come out. Stainless steel wouldn't be stainless if we didn't Scrubb away all of those finger and face prints on the fridge. Oh and if you were wondering about the bedding, well of course we change the sheets as often as you wish. Simply leave the fresh linens on the bed and we will take care of the rest. Let's pretend that morning you left the breakfast dishes in the sink, don't panic, we've got it covered. In the kitchen and throughout the home, individual items and appliances are given that Scrubb shine too. In addition to all of that awesomeness, you'll always have the same four team members assigned to your home. It makes sense for us to know your wishes and to deliver to your highest expectations. 


While we can't stop you from cleaning before we arrive, we definitely make it our goal to see that you don't have to clean or rearrange things once we leave.


Just give us a shot and see if you don’t love our modern style to keeping your home looking its best!




I look forward to hearing from you and sharing that famous Scubb Shine with you and yours. 

Joe Rojas

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